Installation of No Woman is an Island Exhibition, April 2022 - Photo by Ash Mills
No Woman is an Island
15 April – 30 June 2022
The exhibition at the Vanner Gallery is a curated collection of works by seven, award winning women artists:
Cath Bloomfield, Phoebe Cummings, Nicky Knowles RWA, Debbie Lee, Rebecca Newnham FRSS, Sarah Purvey and Patricia Volk RWA FRSS.
The diverse works were selected to explore what it means to be a creative woman in the 21st century with the many challenges and opportunities women face. Their lives are complex and varied, they are forthright and nurturing individuals with strong opinions on social and environmental issues. The artists are hard -working, creative, committed and successful mid-career artists who have experienced the many challenges faced by creative people in today's society. The exhibition sets out to discover their world and life experiences.

The Vanner Gallery is a contemporary art gallery in the centre of Salisbury. Opened in September 2021, it offers regular exhibitions of original art. Working with guest curators brings a diversity of viewpoints and helps to enrich the viewing experience for visitors.
“Jacquiline’s contribution to the visual arts in Salisbury and beyond is outstanding. I am thrilled the gallery can offer an exhibition conceived and curated by Jacquiline so early in its development. She has brought the same clarity of vision and integrity of artistic purpose to our exhibition as she does to her much larger high-profile public projects. It’s been a joy to work with Jacquiline and to see her initial idea progress from concept right through to the selection of such a strong group of artists and a superb range of work.””
Still Point, 2022 by Sarah-Purvey
Tangle by Patricia Volk RWA FRBS

Held by Phoebe Cummings

Grotesque Dance by Debbie Lee

Icon by Cath Bloomfield

Vermeer 29 by Rebecca Newnham FRBS

Wilding I by Nicky Knowles RWA

45 High Street
Tel: +44 (0)1722 501 551
Mondays by appointment
Tuesday – Saturday 10am-5pm
Photography by Ash Mills